Pioneer Honors given to the Orvis Cleaning Staff

Pioneer Honors Given to Orvis Cleaning Staff

The Alfred State athletic department is proud to recognize the Orvis Activities Center cleaning staff as the recipients of the 2021 Pioneer Honors Award. This distinction is given to an individual(s) that have gone above and beyond to aid the mission of the athletic department during the past year.

The crew of Lynnie Bartoo, Todd Brown, Domino Magin, Linda McQueen, Julia Ormsby, Ryan Travis, Karrie Waters went above and beyond to insure that the athletic facilities were clean and safe for our student-athletes, staff, and the college community. They took extra precautions due to the COVID pandemic and worked closely with the department to stay on top of the ever changing protocols and schedules.

A member of the cleaning staff is working seven days a week and some days the Orvis building has 24-hour coverage. The staff is in charge of not only the Orvis Activities Center but maintains all the facilities at Pioneer Stadium (rest rooms, locker room, press box, and president's box). They also have duties in the college's health center and document center.

The hard work of these individuals were crucial in any of the successes that the athletic department had during the 2020-21 school year.