Division 3 Week Q&A with Skylar Shaulis

Division 3 Week Q&A with Skylar Shaulis

By: Josh Romero, Athletic Communications Intern

As a part of the 2022 Division III Week from April 4-10, Alfred State Athletics will be unveiling a Q&A to highlight with some Pioneers who embody the ideals of a Division III student-athlete. 

  1. Why did you choose Alfred State/Division III?

I chose Alfred State because of the smaller size of the school. I came from a small town where most of the community knew each other, and that is how it is here as well. I heard they had a great nursing program, and that is the field I wanted to enter. Also, I was given an opportunity to play basketball here, so with all of this in mind, I became a pioneer!

  1. How does being a DIII student-athlete better prepare you in life?

Being a student athlete gives me motivation to work hard not only in my sport, but in my classes as well. It requires me to have good time-management skills and be able to balance schoolwork with our practice and game schedules. It also taught me how to be a team player and to work with others even when that may be difficult to do.

  1. What will you (or do you) miss the most about Alfred State/ your team?

I am a senior this year, and this is my last semester here at Alfred, and there are so many things I am going to miss. One of the things I will miss the most is being with the team on and off the court. Basketball is one of the longest sports seasons, and we end up spending most of our time together. I am really going to miss hanging out, practicing, playing, and just joking around with my teammates.

  1. What life lessons have you learned from being a collegiate athlete?

I have learned that you must work for what you want. You can't expect to practice something once and get it right or be able to do that in a game. You must work on things long enough to make them natural to you. There are  still things that I haven't mastered, that I have been working on since the beginning of the season. I also learned that you must be the person to decide to change those things. Nobody else can make you change. You need to be the one that wants to fix the mistake you keep making. I've also learned that there is more to life than just the sport you are playing. In the grand scheme of things, yes, basketball is extremely important to me, but there are other things in life like family, school, and your overall well-being that take precedence over basketball. You need to take care of yourself before you can give 100% of your efforts to something else. And lastly, I learned that it is ok to make mistakes. Making mistakes is how you grow and learn. Making a mistake is not the end of the world, it is how we choose to respond to that mistake that is important.

  1. What is your favorite memory so far at Alfred State?

I am not sure if I can chalk it up to one memory but being a part of a team at Alfred for my whole college career is something that I will never forget. I have met so many people, made friends, and played my favorite sport for 4 years, and will be starting a sport that is relatively new to me and that is something that few people get to do.

  1. What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

To incoming freshmen, I would say to make the most of your time while you are in college. Everyone says that "it goes by so fast", but it is the truth. Soon you will be a senior and telling people the same thing I'm saying now. Make new friends in your residence building, make new friends in your classes. Take school seriously and attend classes but know when to let go and have fun. Go to activities that the school offers, and if you are thinking about joining a sports team, go for it! You never know what may come from it if you don't try! I am a senior and I am just now joining the softball team. It is never too late to try something new, and if you're scared, do it anyways! You won't regret it (and if you do, oh well).

Favorite Tv Show? Yellowstone

Favorite Food? Strawberries

Favorite Music Artist? Cody Johnson

Favorite Athlete? Ray Allen