ASC Placed 12th At The Harry F. Anderson Invite

ASC Placed 12th At The Harry F. Anderson Invite

Rochester, NY- The men's cross country team places 12th at the Harry F. Anderson Invite.

Mamadou Barry was the first Pioneer to cross the line, as he ran a 28:32.5. Barry finished in 82nd and ran 5:45 minutes per mile. Andrew Zielinski was only a few seconds behind him as he ran a 28:59.5 for 98th place.

The next two finishers for ASC were Maxwell Chiarella and Jayden Kamp. Chiarella finished in 104th and ran a 29:15.4. While Kamp crossed the line in 116th with a time of 29:55.2.

Jeremy Pennock, Carter Riley, and Aiden Bonomo rounded out the Pioneers finishers. A-State will be back on the course next Saturday at the Fredonia Invitational.