Q&A with Lindsey Thiel and Keith Johnson

Q&A with Lindsey Thiel and Keith Johnson

The Alfred State cross country team heads to the USCAA Championships this week at Florida College. Lindsey Thiel (Liverpool) and Keith Johnson (Webster Thomas) have been the top finishers throughout the year. The sports information staff recently asked them some questions about the season and what it is like to be a Pioneer!

What is your mindset before a race?

LT: My mindset before the race is a positive one. I try to think about only the race and the place and times that Coach Moore advised me to hit.

KJ: Before a race I get in the mindset of  believing that I will do well by having a positive mindset and by visualizing any situation that could arise throughout the race.

What's your favorite XC course? Least favorite course?

LT: My favorite course would be Hamilton's course and my least favorite course would be DeSales course.

KJ: Hamilton was my favorite and Houghton was my least favorite.
What is your favorite part about running X-C, what keeps you motivated?

LT: My favorite part of Cross Country is the team. I like running, but all of my teammates, the girls and the guys, are what makes it so fun and they are what keeps me motivated to keep running.

KJ: My favorite part of running xc is the life long friends you make. Being the best I can be by having a good work ethic is what keeps me motivated.

How has Coach Moore impacted your success on and off the course?

LT: Coach Moore has definitely had a great impact on my success on the course because he is very good about making sure I know what times I should be hitting at each mile and what place I should be in at each part of the race and he always has a race plan for me. He has impacted my success off the course by always making sure my academics come first, he always makes sure that if I need help in a class I receive the help, and he always makes sure our grades are up to par.

KJ: On the course: Coach is always on the field giving advice and motivation to work hard and do our best. Off the course: He Keeps us honest by having us send our weekly mileage/workouts during the off season.

What do you think about when you run?

LT: I think about everything, literally anything that comes to mind. My mind kind of just wanders.

KJ: : I think about the importance/impact each run has towards the end of the season/Nationals.

If you were stranded on an island, what 3 things would you want with you?

LT: If I were stranded on an island I would bring jelly beans because they are delicious, a pillow because I like pillows, and a boat so I could not be stranded.

KJ: Food, source of fire, machete

What is your favorite movie?

LT: My favorite movie is the Green Mile.

KJ: Four Minute Mile

If you could run any marathon in the world, which would you do and why?

LT: I would run the Disney Marathon because who doesn't want to run through four Disney World theme parks and the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex?

KJ: The Boston Marathon because of the significance of the Boston bombings and to run for the  victims who were injured/lost their life that day 

Who's the funniest person on the XC team?

LT: Everyone on the team is pretty funny but Brianna Byrnes makes me laugh every day so I would have to say she is probably the funniest. 

KJ: Jordan Rusek